About Me

So, there’s no getting around this. 100 Men on Mars is one man. On Earth. I’d love to be able to tell you that there’s actually 100 people out on that dusty red planet waiting to build your site for you. But there’s not. The name “100 Men on Mars” comes from a misheard song lyric in my youth.

It is most definitely not intended to imply that web development is a gendered profession, and I do not subscribe to the James Damore theory.

I come from a background in radio. I love playing with sound, and for the better part of 15 years I worked, played, and dabbled in various parts of the radio industry, mostly behind the scenes in technical production and imaging (button pushing and radio sounds).

A period of time spent in the USA led employment for a rock station in Boulder, Colorado, where I was hired partly for my audio production skills and partly to handle content administration and maintenance for their website. I was quite confident about the audio production side, and absolutely terrified by the website stuff. I was never quite sure why I got that job, and I spent almost every day of my first 6 months there convinced that I would be fired the next day. But over time I found my stride, all the while losing track of the number of times I assured my boss that if I didn’t know how to do it right now, I would learn. And learn I did. How to navigate a content management system (CMS), HTML, some rudimentary CSS, and how to steal pieces of code from other places to make stuff work on our website. Along the way I must have done some things right, because I was engaged to handle several different sites for the company that owns the station that I began with.

On my return to Australia, I found radio opportunities limited, and I decided to undertake a more formal education in web development. I earned my Diploma of Web Development with Evocca College, and I discovered that I kind of love this world of languages, codes, scripts, fonts, and pixels. I’ve developed fairly proficient HTML, CSS, and PHP, and I’m working constantly on expanding my existing skillset.

In this time, I’ve also worked on a number of web and print advertising campaigns, learning to graphic along the way. I don’t pretend to be a “qualified graphic designer” but I do have some experience making pretty pictures for you. Check out the Graphics page to get a better idea of what I’ve done in this area.

I’m focused on finding and establishing the best framework for your website, and either building it for you or helping you to build it yourself, depending on your budget, your needs, and your desires. Take a look at my past projects to see some examples of what I have done to date, and if you’re interested, see the Pricing page to find out what I can do for you, and what it’ll cost you.

Want to know where the name comes from? It’s in here…

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